Pamplemousses Postal Code according to places

List of Locations

  Arsenal Postal Code - 20101, 20102, 20103, 20104, 20105, 20106, 20107, 20108, 20109, 20110, 20111, 21307, 21308   Baie du Tombeau Postal Code - 21701, 21702, 21703, 21704, 21705, 21706, 21707, 21708, 21709, 21710, 21711, 21712, 21713, 21714, 21715, 21716   Brisée Verdière Postal Code - 21612
  Calebasses Postal Code - 20201, 20202, 20203, 20204   Congomah Postal Code - 20301, 20302, 20303   Crève Coeur Postal Code - 20401, 20402, 20403, 20404, 20405, 20406
  DÉpinay Postal Code - 20501, 20502, 20503, 20504, 20505, 20506, 20507, 20508, 20509, 20510, 20511, 20512, 20513, 20514, 20515, 20516   Fond du Sac Postal Code - 20601, 20602, 20603   Le Hochet Postal Code - 21801, 21802, 21803, 21804, 21805, 21806, 21807, 21808, 21809, 21810, 21811, 21812, 21813, 21814, 21815
  Montagne Longue Postal Code - 20801, 20802, 20803, 20804, 20805, 20806, 20807, 20808, 20809, 20810, 20811, 20812, 20813, 20814   Morcellement Saint André Postal Code - 20901, 20902, 20903, 20904   Notre Dame Postal Code - 22001, 22002, 22003, 22004, 22005, 22006, 22007, 22008, 22009, 22010, 22011, 22012
  Pamplemousses Postal Code - 21001, 21002, 21003, 21004, 21005, 21006, 21007, 21008, 21009, 21010, 21011, 21012, 21013, 21014, 21015, 21016   Plaine des Papayes Postal Code - 21201, 21202, 21203, 21204, 21205, 21206, 21207, 21208, 21209, 21210, 21211, 21212, 21213, 21214, 21215   Pointe aux Piments Postal Code - 21301, 21302, 21303, 21304, 21305, 21306
  Terre Rouge Postal Code - 21401, 21402, 21403, 21404, 21405, 21406, 21407, 21408, 21409, 21410, 21411, 21412, 21413, 21414, 21415, 21416   Triolet Postal Code - 21501, 21502, 21503, 21504, 21505, 21506, 21507, 21508, 21509   Trou aux Biches Postal Code - 22301, 22302, 22303, 22304, 22305, 22306, 22307, 22308, 22309, 22310, 22311, 22312, 22313, 22314, 22315, 22316
  Ville Bague Postal Code - 21601, 21602, 21603, 21604, 21605, 21606, 21607

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