List of States |
Auckland | Bay of Plenty | Canterbury |
Gisborne | Hawkes Bay | Manawatu Wanganui |
Marlborough | Nelson | Northland |
Otago | others | Southland |
Taranaki | Tasman | Waikato |
Wellington | West Coast |
Above you can find the list of New Zealand Postal Code State Wise. New Zealand is a great country. You can see map of New Zealand below. To find the current population of New Zealand, click the link below.
Country Information |
Country Code | NZ |
Country Name | New Zealand |
Country Alph3 Code | NZL |
Country Numeric Code | 554 |
Capital | Wellington |
Country Demonym | New Zealanders |
Total Area | 267710 |
Population | 4749598 |
Idd Code | 64 |
Currency Code | NZD |
Currency Name | New Zealand Dollar |
Currency Symbol | $ |
Language Code | EN |
Language Name | English |
Cctlid | nz |
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