Tabuk Postal Code according to places

List of Locations

  Aba Al Qizaz Postal Code - 48886, 48888, 48932   Abu Taqah Postal Code - 45729   Ad Disah Postal Code - 49486
  Ad Durrah Postal Code - 49946   Adan Postal Code - 48299   Akbad Postal Code - 45676
  Al Amud Postal Code - 49333, 49331, 49332   Al Assafiyah Postal Code - 45265, 45281, 45275   Al Bad Postal Code - 49653, 49814, 49815
  Al Bad Postal Code - 49786, 49787, 49822, 49823, 49824, 49825, 49826   Al Harrah Postal Code - 48411   Al Jahara Postal Code - 45643, 45942
  Al Jiddah Postal Code - 49411   Al Khadra Al Jadidah Postal Code - 48271, 48272, 48288, 48387   Al Khuraybah Postal Code - 49632, 49633
  Al Kurr Postal Code - 48919   Al Manjur Postal Code - 48667, 48669, 48685   Al Muwaylih Postal Code - 47965, 47998, 49541, 49544, 49546
  Al Qalibah Postal Code - 47421   Al Wadi Al Jadid Postal Code - 49928   Al Wajh Postal Code - 48719, 48721, 48722, 48732, 48733, 48736, 48741, 48742
  An Nabi Postal Code - 48781   Ar Ras Postal Code - 48745   As Sudayd Postal Code - 48698
  Ash Sharaf Postal Code - 49962   Ash Shidakh Postal Code - 48255   Aynunah Postal Code - 49637
  Bada Postal Code - 48967, 48976, 48972   BiR Fajr Postal Code - 47813   Bir Ibn Hermas Postal Code - 47767, 47763, 47781
  Duba Postal Code - 49311, 49312, 49313, 49314, 49315, 49316, 49321, 49322, 49324, 49325, 49327, 49511, 49512, 49513, 49514, 49516   Haql Postal Code - 49931, 49932, 49934, 49935, 49938, 49939, 49941, 49942   Hazaya Postal Code - 45898
  Jubbah Postal Code - 49524   Khurba Postal Code - 48689, 48691   Madain As Salih Postal Code - 45971
  Maqna Postal Code - 49743   Qiyal Postal Code - 49717   Ruwaqa Postal Code - 49461
  Samur Postal Code - 48289   Shaghab Postal Code - 49255, 49281   Sharma Postal Code - 49614, 49622, 49627
  Shuwaq Postal Code - 49439, 49443, 49453   Tabuk Postal Code - 47311, 47312, 47313, 47314, 47315, 47316, 47317, 47318, 47319, 47321, 47322, 47323, 47324, 47325, 47326, 47327   Tayma Postal Code - 45411, 45416, 45424, 45466, 45511, 45512, 45514, 45517, 45521, 45524, 45617, 45911, 45912, 45913, 45915
  Umluj Postal Code - 48311, 48312, 48313, 48314, 48315, 48316, 48321, 48322, 48323, 48324, 48325, 48326, 48327, 48331, 48332, 48333   Uyaynah Postal Code - 47768, 47785

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